Jayne Mather

Jayne heads up the Change Practice within Limelight Consulting. With decades over experience she has manage all aspects of an organisations change journey. 

Jayne Mather

Jayne is a specialist in software implementation projects with a passion for helping organisations thrive in the digital age. With decades of experience leading business transformation, she has empowered numerous organisations to integrate new technologies into their digital transformation strategies.

As a seasoned SAP project professional with CIPD and MBA qualifications, as well as a certified architect and developer for intelligent automation and AI, she is well-equipped to educate organisations on effectively implementing technology to deliver transformational value.

A keen author, Jayne has written insightful books on 'Humans and AI: The Future of Work' and 'Super User Networks for Software Projects: Best Practices in Training and Change Management,' Both books are available to purchase online or through Jayne's website.

Jayne will happily talk to you all day about new and emerging technology and the importance of engaging people in the change process. Outside of work, Jayne's other interests are personal development and reading, popular culture and hip-hop.

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